With Ionic and the capacitor extension « Filesystem » we can load an image from the Internet, save it locally and then use the local file.
Importants information :
- We could use the base64 string directly bu if you display multiple times the same image it’s slow, using the url is better.
- On the web, we can’t save locally and use the image, we directly use the url from the Internet.
- When you re-install the apps from Xcode, the local file is deleted, consequently we have to test the file exist.
export class MyObject {
id: number;
imageUrl: string = null; // Url on the Internet
imageBase64: string = null; // Base64 string representation (can be used in <img src>)
imageLocalFileName: string = null; // Image local filename
imageLocalUrl: string = null; // Image local URL (use in <img src>)
setImage(http: HttpClient, imageUrl) {
//If the image URL is different from the current image or if base64 == null
if(imageUrl != this.imageUrl || this.imageBase64 == null
//Only on Ios/Android, if the local file does not exist (after re-install for example)
|| (Capacitor.getPlatform() != 'web' && (this.imageLocalFileName == null
|| Capacitor.convertFileSrc(await Filesystem.getUri({ path: this.imageLocalFileName, directory: Directory.Data})['uri']) === undefined))) {
var config = { responseType: 'blob' as 'blob' };
//Load the file from the Internet
http.get(imageUrl, config).subscribe(
data => {
//Convert image to base64
blobToBase64(data).then(async function(res) {
this.imageBase64 = res;
this.imageUrl = imageUrl;
if (Capacitor.getPlatform() === 'web') {
//On web we use the URL because we can't save locally the image and use then use it
this.imageLocalUrl = this.imageLocalUrl;
} else {
//On Ios:Android we save the file
//Create a new filename
var fileName: string = 'image_' + this.id + '.svg';
while(Capacitor.convertFileSrc(await Filesystem.getUri({ path: fileName, directory: Directory.Data})['uri']) !== undefined) {
fileName = 'image_' + this.id + '_' + Math.random() * 1000 + '.svg';
//Save the file
const savedFile = await Filesystem.writeFile({
path: fileName,
data: this.imageBase64,
directory: Directory.Data
this.imageLocalFileName = fileName;
this.imageLocalUrl = Capacitor.convertFileSrc(savedFile['uri']);
error => {
Now display the image like this :
<img [src]="sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(obj.imageLocalUrl)">
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